Advert Evaluation - 'Spontaneous'The initial briefing for this project was to create a 30 second television advert for either sunglasses, perfume or an energy drink. The advert had to be creative and show knowledge of camera techniques.After the task is completed, we should have been able to understand be comfortable with using 'iMovie' and have improved knowledge of camera techniques and shot types.
Our advert is for an aftershave called 'Spontaneous', and the initial idea for it, was taken from the already existing music video called 'Weapons of Choice' by Fat Boy Slim. In the video, the famous actor Christopher Walken is dancing around a hotel in time to the music. In our advert, after our actor (Robin) puts the aftershave on, just like Christopher Walken dancing around, Robin dances around the school, in different places. We chose to copy the idea of the music video because when people see our advert, it is easily recognisable as being the same as the 'Weapons of Choice' video. As the video is well known, it makes it easier for viewers to acknowledge our advert. By using the same dancing theme from the video in our advert, it shows us applying intertextuality, expanding our media knowledge.
Our advert only had one actor in it, and we didn't use props at all, apart from the aftershave bottle right at the beginning. Props weren't significant in our advert, the most important factor was the location where Robin was dancing. As we was using the same ideas from the music video, it was important to film Robin dancing around in a variety of different locations. We also had to find suitable locations which would allow Robin to dance around with space, and to look effective at the same time.
The production process went very well, we finished all our filming with enough time to check through it, and decide whether we needed anything else to make it perfect. In the end we decided that what we had was enough, and then we started editing. It only took the one lesson to become familiar with the basics of 'iMovie', and then once we was all confident we started to experiment further with more of the features. It only took two lessons, and two lunch time sessions to finish the whole editing of the film, and then a further 15 minutes just to add the finishing touches to the final piece. I learnt about the importance of different shots, and how effective they are to do with representation. It was important to include high angle, low angle, longs shots and close ups to maximise the effects that we wanted to put across to the audience.
One of the main strengths that our advert had, was that the acting went almost perfectly with the music that we wanted the advert to have. Our advert was successful in showing the effects that we wanted to show the aftershave had, this was mainly due to the acting, timing, shots and music.The production process started with a practice of different shot types without the camera, we first filmed without a character to establish the camera's position and then the actor was placed in the shot, for filming. The advert had strenghts and weaknesses, some of the strengths were the actual acting created a real link between our advert and the music video, secondly our advert featured many different camera angles including high angle, low angle shots, also long shots and meduim close ups. The main lesson of this project was the importance of a tripod and getting numerous versions of the same shots this would of allowed us to have more footage to edit with. Some disadvantages that we learnt, was the importance of a tripod. We could have used the tripod much more than we did, and this would have made the advert look a lot more professional, rather than 'home footage' style.
I learnt a variety of things whilst doing this project, for example I learnt the basics of 'iMovie', and I explored some of the many features it has to offer. I also learnt how effective different shots are, and when I am asked to film again, I shall definitely remember the importance of the tripod.