These are some photos that we have taken which we could use in the opening of the film as an establishing shot. We decided to get a range of photos and compare them all to decide which one would work the best.
The establishing shots have to include an empty, desolate location to create the verisimilitude for the story line as there is no-one left on the earth ap
art from our main characters and the zombies.
We also used this video for inspiration on our establishing shots and took ideas to use a range of different camera angles for effect.
I Am Legend
The following times are example of desolate, and empty establishing shots that work really well with the 'last people on earth' and zombie themes.
0.26 - 0.29
0.32 - 0.35
0.37 - 0.39
0.52 - 0.56
1.19 - 1.24