Monday, 1 March 2010

3rd Day of Filming

On the third day of filming, we planned to film the opening sequence of the product. Initially we had decided to have a chase scene showing zombies running after somebody through a feild and narrow lanes. However, we decided that we would need a bigger budget, and more time in order to get the zombie's costume and make up professional looking enough to look effective. So instead we gathered some friends that were willing to be in the film, and decided to have the zombie's costumes as hoodies and tatty jeans. We only filmed the zombies from behind, and they had their hoods up at all times, and this built enigma and dealt with the zombie's costume at the same time.

After filming the zombie chase sequence, I decided that we should film the same sequence but without the zombies, from different positions and camera shots, just to create a higher sense of enigma. We decided to use the camera in a hand held shaky postion, showing the character running from the zombie's point of view in the trees. By having no one actually running after the character, creates enigma, and mystery as the audience wont know what the character is running from.

This filming session was very effective as we had managed to film alternatives to the opening sequence giving us a lot of variety and choice when it came to editing. Also as we lost light as the day got later, we decided to film some parts of the ending sequence. This initially was to have a shot of a group of zombies trying to smash through the window and get into the house where the characters are. However, after filming this sequence, we decided not to use it, as it didn't look genuine enough to work well in our product.

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